Friday, 27 May 2011

I Should Be Getting Back To Work

But, I just can't be bothered, and hence suffering from procrastinationosis...

The doctor says I should be fine in a couple of minutes as I try to relax (grr exams D:). Which is why I'm writing to all of you!

So anyways, I just wrote to show you guys these emoticons which I have specially made for this blogsite....

Yeah... That's about it!

Sorry if it took so long to load :/
Tell me if I should add more or something... Btw, I wanted to go for a simple look, so yeah...

Bye bye, now!
wuv, SSV


  1. weoh THESE EMOTICONS ARE SEHR KAWAII! Especially the cat-face one

  2. You should totally write a spooky story about the second floor

  3. wow,thanks for that ^^
    i'll make sure to write up a scary second floor story around halloween season!
